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We are the Dragons!

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We are the Dragons!

Prior School:

Live Oak School

Leadership Roles and Other Activities:

ASB (student government), Class Executive, Sports Photography Club Founder and Co-Manager of Sports Management


Athletic Teams:

Varsity Golf and Varsity Soccer

Why did you choose Drew?

I chose Drew because of the size. I cherish relationships with my teachers and because of Drew’s size, it prioritizes positive student/teacher relationships. It also gives me the opportunity to become a leader and role model in my community.


What is one of your favorite classes - any project examples?

My favorite classes at Drew are the classes through the science department. I have taken Biology, Chemistry and Physics. I love doing labs and real life experiments, and Drew’s science classes prioritize that.


What is a core Drew memory you want to share?

My sophomore year I went on a backpacking trip to Joshua Tree for DEALL. My favorite memory from this trip was sitting in a circle with people from Drew that I barely knew and connecting with them through jokes, games, and random conversations.


What are you passionate about outside of Drew?

Outside of Drew, I am passionate about furthering my education in business. Currently, I work as an office assistant for a landscape architecture firm and I am a retail salesperson for an interior design shop in Marin. Both of these opportunities give me a way to learn more about the way a business is run and how businesses become successful.

Lena '25


Justin '25

Riley '26

Zia '24

Elie '24

Hovey '26

Jamieson '26

Mikayla '25

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